so, i learn from my mom's chef assistants. she is an Indonesian woman, named kak siti. at first, i look at her anyaman. then i follow step by step. slowly... until done! she'd done and I'm also done. every single step was the s
after many times i ask kak siti to teach me, i can see on her face, she is fed up with me. hahahaha... even though i am a fast learner, but in case of anyam ketupat, i'm such a loser...
but i'm not given up yet. you know what i do? i took a video of kak siti while she anyam the ketupat, and then go to my room and practice. remember, perfect practice makes perfect!
practice and practice and practice.....
and practice and practice and practice again... suddenly my mom get inside my room and she surprised (or shocked) to see my intention to learn anyam ketupat was so high. then she gave me a lesson. i hope my mom can teach better than kak siti.... after a several minutes..
i did it! she show me the simple way and i almost make a perfect ketupat. just need some practice more! thanks mama! i am your son!
momma said "amy, after this i want you to help me anyam ketupat for my catering".
and i said "aaaarrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh! don't want, don't want, don't want!"
it is a lot of ketupat!
*both my elder sister's also don't know how to anyam ketupat!
~credit to myself!
haha. keputat!!
nora pon tapandai anyam ketupatlah, emy. pasni emy ajar noralah. buleh? hehe~
uh!..mane antu??..pentipu r..antu ketupat rupanyer..ok2..practice time kite lumba k!ahah...
hei bro...i can make nasi himpit okay...and then wrap it with daun kelapa and finally i can name it 'KETUPIT'. what an invention!
hahaha... remember when i ask u about anyam the ketupat? u're the one who admitted that u did'nt know how to anyam ketupat. ketupit boleh la. hahaha let me introduce, the 'ketupit inventor'....MARIAM! hohoho...
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