Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy @ Sad

Hari Raya is the day that everyone waiting for and usually will be celebrated happily. On the morning of first raya, people will dressed in beauty clothes, man will go to mosque for sembahyang raya, and then go to cemetery, and then back to home and eat ketupat, rendang, lemang, sambal kacang and so on...
wahhh best kan...

but we must remember, there are people who didn't have a chance to celebrate hari raya. after a month puasa, of course you want to celebrate your winning against puasa. you defeated your nafsu to eat, and all the nafsu jahat. and the first raya can be said to be an important day to many people. am i right?

i have a friend, who suffer a dengue fever a few days before first raya, and she spent her hari raya all the time on bed in a hospital. on first raya, she did call me and tell her condition. at first, i want to laugh at her and want to say padan muka to her, but i understand her feeling. so poor...

the next day which is second raya, i came visit her. sorry, her name is Farah. she was so happy when i came. that's all i can do and Farah really thanks to me because she was so lonely staying at hospital. only her sister that always visited her. so, i talk to her, i give her ayat2 manis, to make her smile again and make her understand why she has to accepted this as a fate. mesti ada hikmahnye.. it is good to look you smile again farah.

farah is a good girl, when i came, she was doing her asignment. wahh that was really surprise me! well done farah. you are not wasting your time. hahahhaahha.... that i
s the hikmah. if Farah didn't get the dengue, the assignment will not finish. Thanks to dengue. ~

Farah came out from hospital on fifth raya. that was ok la... she still got time to celebrate hari raya. whatever it is, health is wealth. if you have a lot of money but you only spending your whole life on bed, it is not worth it...
Thanks God.


norashikin rahmat said...

tell her to drink alotof plain water..
nak cure dari denggi bukan senang, side effect banyakk..

what a nice bro lah emy, go visit a sick frend..but, up there, a lil' typing error: 'a friend', not 'a friends'. give out the 's' to 'shikin' only, okeh :)

amy said...

thank you again nora, i already made the correction it...

take care sis, don't get sick.

norashikin rahmat said...

what if i get sick?

amy said...

i will stay by your side, just to hear your breathing... and watch your smile while you are sleeping, lying on hospital bed..

norashikin rahmat said...

what a heartwarming quotes.. can i put diz quote into one of my short story?

emy, i just wrote another story: 'untuk Aiman.'
hope u can read it :)

FaraDella Omar said...

seriously????u touched my heart..y now??????how come i missed this??so unfair!

amy said...

u r a lucky person farah...