I have a story about Convocation to share with you..
What is the meaning of Graduation Day to you? A good day? The day that you've waited for a very long time? hmm... of course it is the great day for every student where you have successfully completed your studies course. Yup, it is supposed to be a happy day. But for me, I think that I don't have any feeling towards my graduation day.
Maybe because it is just my diploma, not degree level. So I'm not too excited to celebrate it.. maybe, maybe, maybe it is one of the reason but the truth is... My parents didn't appeared on my graduation day! uhh....uhh....uh....~
When I get out of the hall, I can see many parents waiting for their son & daughter. Some of them holding a bunch of flowers, a teddy bear, and a lot of gifts. At this time, others student will looking for their parents, but me... what am I going to do, and where should I go....
I remember the day before graduation day, abah & mama did call me to ask about the graduation day...
abah: "abah ade keje, mama pulak tak sihat".
amy: "takpe la abah, ade jugak kawan2 amy yg mak bapak die x datang.."
mama: "mi, mama nak pegi naik bas, nanti suruh akak mayam amek bile da sampai kl nanti".
amy: " mama, amy ok je, ala ni diploma je pun, nanti mase degree kan ade lg... tak payah datang pun xpe... wat susah2 je..."
mama: "betul ke xpe mi?"
amy: "betul maa.. x de ape2 pun...
Did I said the right things? Abah really have works to do and it is important while mama still not feeling well after her hand fracture. I feel very touched when mama said that she wants to come. I love you mama!
I feel lonely and a little bit sad when look at other students with their parents. One of them ask me to help them to take a picture. waa..... I want to cry....... If you are at my place, what will you do? Do you feel pity to me? Poor me right... but suddenly my phone is ringing. it is my sister, kak mayam!
kak mayam: "amy kat mane?"
amy: " kat Uitm la, kan amy konvo hari ni."
kak mayam "yela, kat area mane? akak ade dengan ayin ni, kat tempat orang jual2 bunga, amy datang sini lah"
amy: "hah? yeke? ha okey, tunggu2 sekejap kat situ, jangan pergi mane2!"
With my eyes almost split the tears, I ran to my sister and brother, kak mayam and ayin...
wait for me.........!

sad konvo day, huh?
but at the end kak myam there and u are not alone anymore rite..
emy, theres a lot yang dah takde mak ayah on their grads day..., and if i'm at yr place i'll also said the similar things..
u know what? mum always know whats inside yr heart. ignoring u is the last thing she will do, in my thought she is the one who cares and tell kak myam to come see u on yr grad day.
so, CHEERS!!
b4 i forgot: its yr graduation day, so, CONGRATULATIONS! u did it bro! :)
look 4wd to see u grad 4 yr degree.. 2011 rite? a bit earlier than me lah. insya Allah.
yeah, i'm lucky i still have my parents.
nora, i wish you graduated with flying colours...
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