When you were a kids, you must have a favorite superhero.
am i right? who is your favorite superhero? batman, spider man, ultra man, tomato man? whatever it is, did you know who is the father of all superhero in the world? and the answer is...
am i right? who is your favorite superhero? batman, spider man, ultra man, tomato man? whatever it is, did you know who is the father of all superhero in the world? and the answer is...
It's a bird, It's a plane, It's a Superman...!

Everything run smoothly as I planned, the gimmick also make everybody laugh and laugh.
i tried to act like superman and Clark Kent, and its really suits me. hehehe...
i feel nervous at the first time but when people smile and laugh to my joke, i get the spirit and performed very well. i really enjoyed my presentation...
i tried to act like superman and Clark Kent, and its really suits me. hehehe...
i feel nervous at the first time but when people smile and laugh to my joke, i get the spirit and performed very well. i really enjoyed my presentation...
After the presentation, my lecturer told that I'm one of the best speaker that day. i feel very happy even though i didn't show it to my friends. actually i feel like want to jump from the 4th floor of my faculty building. hahaha and i believe i can fly... i believe i can touch the sky...
To become a best presenter, you need to put an effort to your preparation. like me, i only sleep 2 hours the night before the presentation. because it is last minute preparation. but still i can make it. its a worthy sacrifices. what you give, you get back.
It is not easy, to be, me...
*the picture of me, I took before i found the picture of Dean Cain. it's look very similar. ;)
It is not easy, to be, me...
*the picture of me, I took before i found the picture of Dean Cain. it's look very similar. ;)
well done, bro. what goes around, comes around. but, bro, university really teach me to do the very last mknutes work. though i sometimes dont like 'em, but i still can make 'em kinda well. why, eh?
my feveret superhero during childhood?
i'd stuck into storybooks til i dun really know whether i ever hav a feveret superhero.. banyak juga taw, ninja turtles, power rangers.. courage the cowardly dog..(courage save the nanny!) hehe..
emy, dont u realize when u write, u able to speak? keep it up, bro!
nora thanx for the comment, i like it!
but i want to ask u, did the picture looks similar?
am i suits to be superman? hehehhe
yeah.. u are, bro.
tapi superhero kurus aa, cam keluang man. in addition, u live in Kluang, so, mr. Kluang-man pun okeh. ekkeke. build up yr muscle la, darling bro. barulah taff n nampak cam Clark Kent. hehe :D
even if u're not superman,u can be my superhero if u want!haha..the pic look nice!clark kent he..bole la!tp ko hensem sikit dari die..clark kent hensem byk!!hihi! :p
yes, it was nice. but i am nicer than dean cain, the ripleys host.... :p
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