What:Wedding Ceremony
Who: Mahanum & Idham
Where: No.13 Jalan Bunga Raya, Kampong Melayu, 86000 Kluang Johor.
When: 26 october 2009
How: erk?
Congratulations to Anum for her marriage. I hope she will live happily ever after with her husband, Idham. She is number 5 in my siblings, and me is number 6. You know what I’m thinking? It’s my turn after this… wahhhhh…..
At first, Mama planned to do the wedding of anum together with me, but as anum are ready while I’m still studying, so let anum go first…
2 days before the wedding, I’m started to get busy. Many things to do to let the wedding ceremony run smoothly. The day has come and I, as the ‘orang kuat’ start to do works. I have to make sure everything is there. I thought I just wear a shirt to do works and when guests are coming about at 11pm, I will change to wear casual to look smart. But, I don’t have a chance to do that. Until the wedding finish, I’m still with the shirt.
Thanks to everyone that help me during the wedding, all my cousin, ham, azim, lili, sarah, effa, syamil, caca, cucut, pak usu, pak ngah… and everybody.
I’m 22 now, and still single. Sometimes I feel lonely, and want to have someone beside me. I mean someone special that can be my life partner and of course she is a woman.
Wonder know who is she… I Love You!
Emy, hopefully u'll find yr best soulmates, tak sabar nak tolong rewang. hahha (^__^)V
congrats to kak anum, semoga berbahagiaa..
memang amat sdih aa xdapat attend wedding reception dia, tapi since dah jumpa masa raya, i think its okay..becoz i have kuliah the next day.
kalau tak, buleh tolong kasi door gift, kan? hehe..
i need someone that can be my bestfrend to become my wife!
u r right, like wht u did when abg azam' wedding. gift girl... hehehe
i want u to see u on my weddings day...
oh, sure, im looking forward to it.
u noe what, even if nora kat hujung dunia pun, for your wedding nora usahakan untuk datang. tapi, at that moment, maybe too old to be gift girl..hehe..except if u wed b4 i 20, its ok, i will be the gift girl. haahaha.
no lah nora...
i think i will married later than you...
maybe la..
who knows...?
hehey. lets see..
kalo nora kawin dulu emy kene jadi gift boy. ahhhahahahahahhaaha
aku sekarang kawan ko..sekarang mission aku nak jd bestfren ko!!haha!but really..hilmi mohamad is a good friend!glad to have u as a friend..aku bukan tiru ko he,tp aku pun nak my husband to be my bestfren..hihi!gudluck to both of us then!
u place me too high fara. i am nothing compare than u. u r taller than me. and i do care about that. but still i am grateful of what i am.
i am the superman guy after all. hahahha
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