Yesterday is the first time i'm celebrated Hari Raya Haji without my family
Today is 29 Nov 2009
Today is 11 Dzulhijjah 1430 H
Today is the second day of Hari Raya Haji
Today got kenduri at my elder brother's house.
Today I'm not at my hometown, Kluang, Johor instead at Shah Alam.
Today I'm still working part time at Hotel Concorde.
Today I feel guilty towards my family
Today I am alone...
Ok ok, no more today. Tired already. hmmm....
Actually, I'm not feel sad about not coming back for hari raya. I feel normal, juzt like nothing happen. Plus, Hari Raya Haji is not a big celebration like Hari Raya Puasa. But still there are family gathering. And I'm still here, its mean that there is something wrong happen somewhere.
First day raya, I'm working. I'm not going to masjid for sembahyang raya because I need to be at the gym hotel at 8.45 a.m. I wish happy hari raya to all the malay guest that came to the gym. some of them ask, "u tak balik ke?" I reply, "hahaha, first time x balik ni". I feel a little bit rindu to my family but just for a while. When i go to the cafateria, there are ketupat palas, nasi himpit, sambal kacang and rendang. hehehehe ada la jugak suasana raya. After work, when I reach home, I call mama and wish selamat hari raya. I ask, "mama x kol amy puun.." ( what a chengeng ) and mama reply "mama busy ni, nak masak. kan esok kenduri rumah baru ajam.."
alamak... mesti diorang perlukan aku time kenduri tu.. ( da mule nak rase menyesal ).
Second day raya. Sue, one of the staff bring the lemang and ayam masak sambal merah. She share with me.. sedap! teringat pulak.. mama masak ape mase kenduri rumah ajam nanti..
After work, I reach home at 7 p.m. I don't know where is this intention come from, but I decide to go to the surau for Isya'. After beri salam mase tahiyyat akhir... imam pun takbir..
"AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar, Lailahaillallahu Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar Walillahilhamd..
hati aku terdetik... ohh apa dah jadi dgn aku ni... dah la x balik raya, pastu x pegi sembahyang raya, pastu dah raya ke-2 baru nak takbir... mohammad hilmi.. mohammad hilmi...
nasib baik aku sempat bertakbir utk hari raya kali ni, kalau tak, betapa ruginya...
balik je rumah terus kol mama n abah, ajam, akak. dengar riuh rendah suasana kat rumah buat aku terkilan la...
abah pesan,
- sembahyang jangan tinggal
- jangan ikut kawan yang pergi gamble ( judi )
- baca surah Al-Mulk
- kalau nak pilih isteri, jangan membelakangkan mak bapak. kalau kita pandai2, nanti naik perahu, tenggelam.
hee.. i will remember this till the day that i die. Thanks Abah.
*morale of the story, family comes first!

Today is 29 Nov 2009
Today is 11 Dzulhijjah 1430 H
Today is the second day of Hari Raya Haji
Today got kenduri at my elder brother's house.
Today I'm not at my hometown, Kluang, Johor instead at Shah Alam.
Today I'm still working part time at Hotel Concorde.
Today I feel guilty towards my family
Today I am alone...
Ok ok, no more today. Tired already. hmmm....
Actually, I'm not feel sad about not coming back for hari raya. I feel normal, juzt like nothing happen. Plus, Hari Raya Haji is not a big celebration like Hari Raya Puasa. But still there are family gathering. And I'm still here, its mean that there is something wrong happen somewhere.
First day raya, I'm working. I'm not going to masjid for sembahyang raya because I need to be at the gym hotel at 8.45 a.m. I wish happy hari raya to all the malay guest that came to the gym. some of them ask, "u tak balik ke?" I reply, "hahaha, first time x balik ni". I feel a little bit rindu to my family but just for a while. When i go to the cafateria, there are ketupat palas, nasi himpit, sambal kacang and rendang. hehehehe ada la jugak suasana raya. After work, when I reach home, I call mama and wish selamat hari raya. I ask, "mama x kol amy puun.." ( what a chengeng ) and mama reply "mama busy ni, nak masak. kan esok kenduri rumah baru ajam.."
alamak... mesti diorang perlukan aku time kenduri tu.. ( da mule nak rase menyesal ).
Second day raya. Sue, one of the staff bring the lemang and ayam masak sambal merah. She share with me.. sedap! teringat pulak.. mama masak ape mase kenduri rumah ajam nanti..
After work, I reach home at 7 p.m. I don't know where is this intention come from, but I decide to go to the surau for Isya'. After beri salam mase tahiyyat akhir... imam pun takbir..
"AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar, Lailahaillallahu Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar Walillahilhamd..
hati aku terdetik... ohh apa dah jadi dgn aku ni... dah la x balik raya, pastu x pegi sembahyang raya, pastu dah raya ke-2 baru nak takbir... mohammad hilmi.. mohammad hilmi...
nasib baik aku sempat bertakbir utk hari raya kali ni, kalau tak, betapa ruginya...
balik je rumah terus kol mama n abah, ajam, akak. dengar riuh rendah suasana kat rumah buat aku terkilan la...
abah pesan,
- sembahyang jangan tinggal
- jangan ikut kawan yang pergi gamble ( judi )
- baca surah Al-Mulk
- kalau nak pilih isteri, jangan membelakangkan mak bapak. kalau kita pandai2, nanti naik perahu, tenggelam.
hee.. i will remember this till the day that i die. Thanks Abah.
*morale of the story, family comes first!
of kos family comes first! sian kau..sedih je baca. kirim slm family k.
hehehe...satu family aku baca blog ni tau x...
mesti kau xtau kan...
selamat hari raya aidiladha..
Selamat hari raya wlupun x raya...
pagi raya tak solat sunat gak.
sorang2 jaga wad bersalin + wad nifas (sbb yg laen nak gi solat, takpalah sorang dikorbankan)
dgr takbir dari jauh je.
malam kol mak bukan nak ucap raya, tp nak mintak bank in duit XD
raya aidil fitri pun slalu tak balekk
balik dr on-call, tidur sampai malam. solat jumaat pun missed. hoho
ruffey, teruk nye kerja kau...
byk dah kau missed nih...
doktor ke m.a ke nurse?
follow la... hehehe
tak, still undergraduate yg melakukan multi-tasking, sesuai arahan patients / doctors / nurses / midwives / parameds / etc T.T
man who placed his family as a first one actually is a good man
i wanna be a good man ashutz. tq
eh..da bekenalan korang?
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