Right after the last paper, my friends and I went to a party to celebrate our perfect completion of examination paper. hahaha it is not necessary actually but it is really relieved my mind.
The party that I'm talking about is not a wild party or birthday party whatsoever, but it is just like a camping but not in a forest or jungle, instead on the water. We went to the sea! no, can't be called it as a sea, it is half river and half sea. In malay, we called it as "suut". the combination of 'sungai+laut'. We stay in a 'Kelong' at Telok Gong, Klang for one day. Doing an outdoor activity is a good idea to release your tension.
Arrival/departure hall @ jeti, we have to wait for the speed boat that will send u
s to the kelong. While waiting, we survey the water and we saw a pair of fish jumping from the water so happily. One male and another one is female. Maybe they are a couple. Seeing them jumping just like they are waiting for us to come, and challenge us! We feel so angry! How dare you animal! Just you wait!
The spee
d boat came. Along the way to the kelong, we feel so free and happy to see the suut beautiful view, the wind that blows my hair, also we play with the dolphin that follows our speed boat. They are so cute and adorable!
One of us, named Atan (bukan nama sebenar) stay quite, look down and not even make a single move. And when we arrive at the kelong, he is the first one who jump from the speed boat to the kelong stairs. wahahahhaa... fobia dengan laut! kahkahkah... takut bot terbalik.. hahahha haiya... nasib baik x jatuh mase dia lompat tu, hampir2 la. orang lain naik selamba je, die x pasal2 menggelabah puyuh! kahkahkah... you~know~who~
My friends and I feel excited to start fishing and having a good time at the
kelong. First we set up the fishing rod. We use the live prawns and worms as the bait. We have six fishing rod and we all take care of all the rod ( yg mana sempat la).
Feeling excited and not patient, I take one rod and play with it, suddenly a something is pulling from the water. It is quite strong and I said "romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, i'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run, you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess, its a love story baby just say yes... apa aku merepek ni...
ok serious, i
said "eh, ape ni" hahahaha excited nak dpt ikan, tp bila ikan da kena, tak terpikir plak. hahahaha...noob....
tony, one of my friends, who is a fisherman, heee no la, fishing is his hobby, help me to lift the fish and we did it! what a big catch! big catch! big catch! This is my first time going to fishing and I easily got that fish. hmmm that was a good sign for me to start a new hobby. hahhaa... the other friends feel happy with that successful cacth and they jealous also. hahhaha... nevermind la, we can share the fish ok. kahkahkah..

Sunset is matahari terbenam and dusk is menjelang malam. To watch a sunset from the kelong is very nice and i hope i have a chance to have this wonderful moment with my love one. who knows~
We have to run the generator to powered the elecricity. It make a loud noise but we have no choice..
while I was praying maghrib, I can smell the barbeque... hmmm...sedapnya... x khusyuk sembahyang.. we have spicy chicken and black pepper hot dog all bought from tesco. tinggal panggang saja. puas betul makan, sampai esok
pun x habis lg..
There are karaoke provided at the kelong, Atan sang most of the song that night. since my voice are not so artist, so, i'm just sing a little. another entertainment is, we bring the play station 2 and also the guitar. so, it will never be bored while waiting the fish.
while waiting the fish... suddenly...
Eddy : Eh Atan, kau makan ni ke? (sambil menunjuk ke arah bungkusan plastik, dengan muka nak tergelak suka)
Atan : ha'a kenapa?
Eddy : ini umpan cacing la! kahkahkahkah....
TERRUUS Atan pegi muntahkan balik n kumuh2 mulut dia. entah berapa botol habis dia buat kumuh! semua org gelakkan...
Eddy : saya pelik tgk, die ambil, pastu terus masuk mulut. ( sambil yg lain ketawa lagi ) pastu Atan datang...
Atan : aku ingatkan serunding. ( muka nak cover malu)
Alip : ini serbuk2 kayu la. memang die letak sekali dgn cacing ni.. kahkahkah..
if not funny, please do not laugh and continue reading.
We were plan not to sleep that night but still who can't stand it anymore, can take a rest for a while.
Tomorrow morning, after subuh, it was raining until 11am. so don't have a chance to watch sunrise there is no use to wait anymore, fish will not appear on rainy day. We packed and get ready to go back. We leave the kelong and Telok Gong at 1.30pm. We also leave a great memory of our great friendship at the kelong. it is sweet to remember.
Pojie, Alip, Eddy, Mirul, Tony, and me... we are the fisherman!

*the dolphin is not exist, don't easily be fooled by me. hehehehe...
after we reached home, pojie fry the fish that we catched. Tony and I ate the fish. It is so delicious! i'm so impress. this is the first time I eat the fish that catched by myself. hehehe...

The party that I'm talking about is not a wild party or birthday party whatsoever, but it is just like a camping but not in a forest or jungle, instead on the water. We went to the sea! no, can't be called it as a sea, it is half river and half sea. In malay, we called it as "suut". the combination of 'sungai+laut'. We stay in a 'Kelong' at Telok Gong, Klang for one day. Doing an outdoor activity is a good idea to release your tension.
Arrival/departure hall @ jeti, we have to wait for the speed boat that will send u

The spee

One of us, named Atan (bukan nama sebenar) stay quite, look down and not even make a single move. And when we arrive at the kelong, he is the first one who jump from the speed boat to the kelong stairs. wahahahhaa... fobia dengan laut! kahkahkah... takut bot terbalik.. hahahha haiya... nasib baik x jatuh mase dia lompat tu, hampir2 la. orang lain naik selamba je, die x pasal2 menggelabah puyuh! kahkahkah... you~know~who~
My friends and I feel excited to start fishing and having a good time at the

Feeling excited and not patient, I take one rod and play with it, suddenly a something is pulling from the water. It is quite strong and I said "romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, i'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run, you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess, its a love story baby just say yes... apa aku merepek ni...
ok serious, i

tony, one of my friends, who is a fisherman, heee no la, fishing is his hobby, help me to lift the fish and we did it! what a big catch! big catch! big catch! This is my first time going to fishing and I easily got that fish. hmmm that was a good sign for me to start a new hobby. hahhaa... the other friends feel happy with that successful cacth and they jealous also. hahhaha... nevermind la, we can share the fish ok. kahkahkah..

Sunset is matahari terbenam and dusk is menjelang malam. To watch a sunset from the kelong is very nice and i hope i have a chance to have this wonderful moment with my love one. who knows~
We have to run the generator to powered the elecricity. It make a loud noise but we have no choice..
while I was praying maghrib, I can smell the barbeque... hmmm...sedapnya... x khusyuk sembahyang.. we have spicy chicken and black pepper hot dog all bought from tesco. tinggal panggang saja. puas betul makan, sampai esok
There are karaoke provided at the kelong, Atan sang most of the song that night. since my voice are not so artist, so, i'm just sing a little. another entertainment is, we bring the play station 2 and also the guitar. so, it will never be bored while waiting the fish.
while waiting the fish... suddenly...
Eddy : Eh Atan, kau makan ni ke? (sambil menunjuk ke arah bungkusan plastik, dengan muka nak tergelak suka)
Atan : ha'a kenapa?
Eddy : ini umpan cacing la! kahkahkahkah....

TERRUUS Atan pegi muntahkan balik n kumuh2 mulut dia. entah berapa botol habis dia buat kumuh! semua org gelakkan...
Eddy : saya pelik tgk, die ambil, pastu terus masuk mulut. ( sambil yg lain ketawa lagi ) pastu Atan datang...
Atan : aku ingatkan serunding. ( muka nak cover malu)
Alip : ini serbuk2 kayu la. memang die letak sekali dgn cacing ni.. kahkahkah..
if not funny, please do not laugh and continue reading.
We were plan not to sleep that night but still who can't stand it anymore, can take a rest for a while.
Tomorrow morning, after subuh, it was raining until 11am. so don't have a chance to watch sunrise there is no use to wait anymore, fish will not appear on rainy day. We packed and get ready to go back. We leave the kelong and Telok Gong at 1.30pm. We also leave a great memory of our great friendship at the kelong. it is sweet to remember.
Pojie, Alip, Eddy, Mirul, Tony, and me... we are the fisherman!

*the dolphin is not exist, don't easily be fooled by me. hehehehe...
after we reached home, pojie fry the fish that we catched. Tony and I ate the fish. It is so delicious! i'm so impress. this is the first time I eat the fish that catched by myself. hehehe...
hahaha..let me laugh,betol dia makan umpan tu??
pegi tak ajak aku
ya.. tapi dia mkn yg serbuk kayu saja la.. bukan cacingnya..
kau da blk melaka la izzul mase tu..
klu x memg satu rumah pergi
haha..klaka tul..betul2 la ingat de dolphin..siap tebayang2 g ni..cis..dis one is de best entry la..*thumbs up*
terima kasih...~ hehehe...
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