Thursday, May 3, 2012

What the hell is Integrity?

I went to a course named "Kursus Pasti Lulus"

It takes almost two weeks to complete it. And that's the reason why I did not post anything for the past three weeks. But the truth is... I failed to manage my time. ahhh~

During the course, the most interesting topic that attract my attention is "INTEGRITY". From my understanding, integrity is...

-Doing what is right even when it is difficult-
A lot of people who has the power, doesn't have this kind of moral value. Almost all of my colleague who work at sports company, agreed with that statement. Most of my colleague have to organize a sports event and every time they get the sponsorship money, the top management or their big boss will take advantage by asking some of it. And when they are choosing for contractor to hand on the tender of sports facilities project, the amount of money will determine the decision. THIS IS JUST NOT RIGHT!

We know it is wrong but do we have the courage to stop all of this thing? who are we?
We are just a small tiny officer who only accept things without the right to complaint about it. Because we too, think about our own income and the increment of salary, to make sure that our future is secure which is the  evaluation by the boss for promotion purpose, and the most important thing is to not being fired by the evil boss. And that's what most of the people do nowadays.
About the integrity, we know it but do we have it? you know the answer my friends...

Look at this picture below....

Yes, it is funny, but do you learn something from it?

Friends, The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off!

You can make a difference,
You can make it happen...!


t@Lk T0 mY h@Nd said...

are u intergrity enough my dear?intergrity comes from the top of management and its will comes to subordinate...why?because we as a subordinate do not have the right or no power is given to speak it is right emy?

amy said...

I fight with my boss once, and that make me feel relief. Yes, I admit that no one will listen to us, but we can't just let it happen. At least show that we are against it.

t@Lk T0 mY h@Nd said...

me too...i did it..he's too much right..hehehehe...he is paid that such of rate to think more than us..not just give the order for every single of task...we are in the right path my dear..