Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Talented Teacher

-‘Hello assalamualaikum ma…
- waalaikumsalam, hah kenape amy telefon pagi-pagi ni?
- erm saje je. Hmmm ma, hari ni, anak lelaki mama ni, akan menjadi seorang…
- haha yelah tu, baik2 jaga anak orang tu, nangis kang susah pulak.
- don’t worry ma, the one u talking to right now is no one but your son!

Yeah I’m going to be a teacher, today! It is 14 Jun 2010. It is a long time ago since I left my secondary school. And now I am back to school but this time as a teacher. I’m excited and wonder know what
my school is.

Reached school, very punctual! What did you expected on your first day work? First impression ma.. I must show the good side of me. Hmm the school, not bad! The environment is totally difference with Sek.Men.Keb, S.R.J.K.C. Madrasah and so on… actually I feel like not in Malaysia. Everything is in English! What the hell man? Broken English yes I can, but to speak very fluent is a trouble for me.

The fees for the student is very expensive, for national student they have 2 semester in a year and each semester the fees is about RM7,000++ (if i'm not mistaken). For international students, one semester is RM11,000++ and they have 3 semester in a year. Here is the school for rich people and for your information the students is the daughter and sons of Dato’, Tan Sri, Doctor, Lawyer, Artist, millionaire, model and national athlete. Famous people such as Norish Karman, Dato’ Lee Chong Wei, Edry KRU, and even Perdana Menteri Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak ever sent his sons to study here.

I don’t know what challenge that I’m going to face in the school. Hopefully everything will be easy and run smoothly. Good Luck Hilmi Sensei!

The picture was taken on early morning in my first day as a great-teacher-to-be! GAMBATTE!


Iza Faizah said...

Seorang guru tidak seharusnya mengajar tetapi mendidik.

all the best :)

ruffey said...

wow. sensei!
skulah mana kah ituu? henry gurney kah? (sbb byk sgt anak vip skulah sana. haha)
mewahh shioottt!

subjek apa ajar?

XandreaNika said...

Must show you good side? Does that means that there's a bad side of you? :D

amy said...

ruffey, name skolah dirahsiakan atas sebab2 tertentu. maaf. skola tu kat cheras. skola swasta biasa. agak feymes gak la..

amy said...

yup aliah, im not good in everything. but i can pretend to be. hooo so scary rite...~