Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah.
UPSR is just over, MERDEKA!!!
That was shouted by my ex-students. They are so happy and start to talk about their 'Primary Day Trip' and the 'Primary Games Carnival' to celebrate the finishing primary school. Unfortunately, I'm no longer working at the school. Poor me.
I just want to tease them, and I say "after this, prepare for secondary. No time to enjoy ok. Go read form 1 text book now".
"jangan macam tu la cikgu, mana ada hati nak baca buku lepas exam, dah la, got to go, bye2"
Hahaha... before the examination day, they ask me how was my UPSR. And I said 5As. I can't lose to my students. I purposely said like that to motivate them.
Good luck and pray a lot as long as the result have not announce yet.
*cikgu*, mana ada istilah tipu sunnah la~ :p
dear hilmi's ex-students, i know his UPSR's results! :p heheeee...
seems like u love to be a teacher, emy..why dont u go on with something u love?
(emy, sometimes i just come to yr blog to hear 21 guns.. nice song!)
nora! syyyhhhhh.......!
keep it a secret. let it broke in the stomach not in the mouth. hehehe
i dont love to be a teacher, but i love beautiful teacher. hahhaha kidding... if i have a chance, maybe i will go for kpli..
thats my favourite song after all.. hee
emy, i have the idea coming to my mind: of being a lecturer.
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