After you eat Big Mac, run to burn the calories. When you finish run, drink the coca-cola to replace the fluid and electrolytes lost while running. In order to get back your energy to walk home, finish the remaining french fries...
It is easy to stay healthy right?
I like to eat McDonald, so far GCB is the best for me after Double cheese burger. Usually, I will finish the french fries first because its only taste good when it is still hot. and the last is soft drink rally. whoever finish first is the winner. my tears flow out after I finish the drink. I don't know why, but it is fun to do it sometimes.
okay, it is good for organizing such an event, I think maybe McDonalds has now concern about their customers health. keep up the good work! Congratulations! Run once a year, eat all the year.
I came this morning at Dataran Merdeka where the McDonalds Olympic Run was held to meet my subject for my research. they are from runners club UiTM. Guys, give me a good cooperation okay... I treat you Power Bar ma.... hahaha...
actually no matter how much you eat, but to maintain the health, you need to balance the food intake and the amount of exercise. keep on exercising you lazy heavy butt... LOL
It is easy to stay healthy right?
I like to eat McDonald, so far GCB is the best for me after Double cheese burger. Usually, I will finish the french fries first because its only taste good when it is still hot. and the last is soft drink rally. whoever finish first is the winner. my tears flow out after I finish the drink. I don't know why, but it is fun to do it sometimes.
okay, it is good for organizing such an event, I think maybe McDonalds has now concern about their customers health. keep up the good work! Congratulations! Run once a year, eat all the year.
I came this morning at Dataran Merdeka where the McDonalds Olympic Run was held to meet my subject for my research. they are from runners club UiTM. Guys, give me a good cooperation okay... I treat you Power Bar ma.... hahaha...

actually no matter how much you eat, but to maintain the health, you need to balance the food intake and the amount of exercise. keep on exercising you lazy heavy butt... LOL
Kalau sekadar berjalan setiap hari dari library-bilik sejauh 0.5 km, cukup x? Tak sempatlaa nak gi riadah~
hahahahhahaha. i very the so loike this post weh!
go for mcD! i heart GCB too tapi ari tu kat kl dah abes? nasib balik labuan masi ada lagi. beli double GCB. separate the patties, satu masih utuh dalam burger tu aku makan dulu, satu lagi aku ratah begitu saja daging dia. nyamaannn gilakk! (bak kata org sarawak).
ko nangis lepas minum coke? sedap sampai terharu kah? XDDD
emy, kenape lagu 21 guns takde?
I went to this competition 2 years ago and I won. Last year I didn't join coz I was sick. :D I was the best from my school hahaha ;)
next year u join okay, hope we can meet at the finishing line...
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