Did you ever heard about Ghost Rider? definitely right?
actually, my others name is Johnny Blaze... i did made an agreement with devil.
i have to become the next Ghost Rider. i can turn myself into a burning fire skeleton and my bike was awesome! its all burned with fire! heh heh heh! vrom vrooom!
okay, that was my attention getter. you are baga (stupid) if you trust me. hehehe..
the true thing is, i want to tell a story about my motorbike. can you see the picture?
the superman riding stunt was done by myself! cool right?
hahaha, as you can see, the plate number was from johor, and i am johorean. that's the only thing that i can show you as the proof that the bike is mine!
why should i said a statement like that? i am angry! yes i am mad! let me tell you the story behind this... A story about
"My bike, Not My Bike"
it was 4.ooam at that time and I'm still writing my log book. suddenly one of my roommate (let me introduce him as 'b') came to me and ask me to borrow my bike. B wants to go to see his girlfriend because his girlfriend was sick, having a stomachache. 4.ooam! crazy ah? this guy ah, must be love his girlfriend soooo much! what a love story... hahaha... but that's not the point. i continue ah..
I let B used my bike and after that i went to sleep.
when i woke up, my other roommate tell me a bad news. he said "mi, tayar motor kau bocor"
ahhh... so sad.. tomorrow i have class, and it is important to me. B didn't say anything to me. okay, i said to myself. I go down to take a look at my bike and aahhhh...~ why did this happen to me..
so, i planned to go out early to tolak my bike to the workshop. i go out at 7.00am. my class is at 8.oo am. when i started tolak my bike, i feel very heavy. you know what, both of the tyre were flatted! damn! i thought its only one. so heavy la and i have to tolak for about 3 kilometer. and surely i will mandi again. but mandi peluh lah! cis.. eventhough i'm not feel ashamed to tolak the bike, but the whole route, many people look at me! apa pandang2! penampo nak? haaa.... geram seh.. hei i tell you ah, muke hensem tolak motor, malu jugak tau... mane nak letak muke ni?
arrived at workshop at 7.30 something. need to get some rest to wipe up my sweat.and then i take the bus to the class... i reached class on time...until today, B didn't say anything to me, even a simple words, 'sorry'. that one really made me mad. he can explain to me and maybe i can forgive him. maybe he didn't have money to fix the damage but what's wrong if he tell me. die buat bodoh je, buat tak reti je.. seolah-olah tiada ape2 yg berlaku. eeiii budak ni keciiiik je aku tgk. nasib baik aku ni penyabar... x reti bahase. orang da berbudi, kite berbahasa la plak kn... nak kate bodoh, belajar universiti...
what is the difference between dog and cow? guess what...
hmm.. anjing bila dah buat 'doh' die pandai tanam untuk menutup kesalahan die melepas merata-rata. tapi lembu, die dengan senang hatinye membiarkan doh2 bertaburan di muka bumi tanpa rasa bersalah. ini menunjukkan anjing lebih pandai sedikit daripada lembu walaupun kedua-duanya tidak berakal... ok itu adalah perbandingan antara anjing dengan lembu. skrg, aku kaitkan pulak anjing dan lembu tadi dengan manusia yg di namakan aku sebagai 'B' ni. B ni dah wat kesalahan, x reti nak betulkan n tanpa rasa bersalah, biarkan sahaja ia berlalu pergi. jadi, correlation yg dapat dibuat ialah....
anjing lebih pandai daripada B,
anjing lebih pandai daripada lembu, maka,
B dan lembu adalah sama bodoh.
morale of the story is, be responsible to everything that you had done. jangan jadi macam lembu, tak reti tanam 'doh' die macam ape yg anjing buat..